Sunday, June 24, 2012

Picking up from last week......

The second guiding principle: The Universe Is Out to Support You                          

A lot of people like to think that the world is out to get us. However, those who have reported being deeply happy believe the world is, in fact, out to support us.
Personally, I have always felt as though everything happened for a reason. Even through the bad times, I always believed there was a light at the end of the tunnel. When I began researching the subject, I discovered that the outlook people have on life really makes a difference on their happiness. Those who are always asking, “Why me?” and blaming others are less likely to live a happy life. Those who appreciate what the world has to offer tend to have more positive thoughts.

Our health is what doctors use in order to prove these statements. Gail Ironson, PhD, MD, professor of psychology and psychiatry at the University of Miami, found that believing that the universe is friendly, indeed, impacts people's health. She did a recent study on people with HIV. Those who believed in a universal power that was loving and supportive remained healthier longer than people who believed the universe was punishing. ------Some food for thought.

Here I am, a firm believer of every single word I write, and yet I still struggle some days. It is not always easy to stay positive and I feel as though so much of my good energy this past week was wasted on being upset over something I didn't have to ability to change. Instead of stressing, that wasted energy could have been shifted to deal with the situation effectively.

The third and last principle: What You Appreciate, Appreciates

The Law of Attraction= whatever we think, feel, say, and act on, you draw to yourself like a magnet. (Like attracts like)
Instead of using this law to draw in things you think will make you happy, understand that being happy is what draws in things we want. I always relate this to how people are naturally drawn to happy people. For example: if two men are sitting at a table and one is better looking than the other but frowning, I am more likely to start a conversation with the less attractive, yet happy one. Being happy and smiling will cause people to want to surround themselves with you and befriend you.

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